Countdown To Mint

Meet the Men

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Rarity: Common

The first man in shape.
After years obessing over the meta-verse
and eternal life his physical form escaped
our temporal realm.

A poor rendering of his past existence.
He lives now only as a consciousness on
Solana's blockchain where he spends his days
as an NFT invading as many wallets as he can

... in Shapes

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Rarity: Common

The helpless.
A once talented programmer, Angelo was
blinded by the promise of life changing

Experiencing rug pull after rug pull
Angelo lost every penny he had.

Finding himself in dire straits, he now
makes his money by sadly selling himself

... in Shapes.

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Rarity: Common

The blockchain tourist.
Avid traveler and yelp critic, Philip had once
thought he had been everywhere. The seven seas,
the seven wonders, all corners of the earth.

His longing for new experiences brought him here

... in Shapes.

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Rarity: Common

The concerned older brother.
Luigi has always been a family man. After hearing
of his brother Angelo's passing Luigi couldn't
help but follow suit.

He now lives to ensure his brother's immutable safety
forever in eternity Shapes.

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Rarity: Uncommon

The leader.
After hearing rumors of men uploading their
consciousness to the blockchain, Nathan knew
he needed to get involved.

Unimpressed with the original's tokenomics, Nathan
had the groundbreaking idea of algorithmic self

With an assortment of hats, glasses, and
accessories one could be more than just a man.
One could be many Men Shapes.

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Rarity: Uncommon

The opportunist.
Angel investor and huge risk taker, Dennis is
always on the lookout for groundbreaking ideas
and business models with huge upside potential.

He went all in on this latest venture, betting
everything he had, including his earthly form.

He spent his last day on earth emailing every
influencer he knew all with the same message,
"Look out for the next blue chip nft project. It's me"

... in Shapes.

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Rarity: Uncommon

The libertarian.
Taylor lived most of his life in search of true

Later in life he realized true autonomy could never
exist in any natural or worldly construct. The idea of
decentralization of the self began to permeate
in his mind.

In an act mostly inspired by Atlas Shrugged,
Taylor gave up his earthly form to live amongst
the others Shapes.

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Rarity: Rare

The fugitive in hiding.
After the bitcoin mining rig he kept in his
parent's basement was seized by the authorities
Tommy sought refuge in the world he knew best.

Never to be seen again on the outside, Tommy now
lives with the others Shapes.

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Rarity: Rare

The day trader.
Wyckoff patterns, Fib retracements, resistance,
support lines, stochastic rsi; Ivan studied
and mastered every TA pattern and trading
strategy he could.

So concerned with historical trends to ensure
a prosperous future, one day Ivan had enough

The speculator became the speculated. Ivan, now
his own asset class, is very happy being traded
on Solana's blockchain. Shapes.

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Rarity: Ultra Rare

The end of man.
Can death be decentralized? Barry could have
been anyone. You, me, one of your parents.

Maybe he is a representation of us all or
at least where we all will end up Shapes.

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Shiba Inu

Rarity: Special

The man's best friend.
One fateful experiment in decentralized, spontaneous
community building brought this cute little guy
to the blockchain. The mass apeal of the shiba inu
is both a mystery and undeniable. Not technically
a man, but shiba inu's inclusion is met with no objection.

All welcome man's best friend Shapes.